Thursday, May 21, 2009
Police and Fire Departments Share Resources
These seats fasten easily to the existing ambulance stretcher. They also have a pull strap which automatically adjusts the harnesses to the correct height of the child as they are tightened. They accommodate a child from 22 to 100 pounds. One seat was purchased for each of the Fire Department ambulances.
D.A.'s Office Warns of Scam
MEDFORD – Middlesex District Attorney Gerry Leone is warning all residents, especially seniors, of a telemarketing scam that is occurring in many communities, including Medford and its surrounding communities.
Numerous seniors have recently received calls claiming they have won the lottery and need to pay the caller a fee to receive the winnings. In two recent cases, the scammers asked for $500 and $1,000 to be sent to a P.O. Box in order for the victims to claim their “winnings”.
“This is a telemarketing scam that is targeting seniors in our communities,” District Attorney Leone said. “We are warning citizens never to send money or checks to anyone who has randomly contacted you that you do not know, especially when that person has a foreign address or telephone number. If you feel that you have been a victim of this or a similar scam, we urge you to contact your local police department.”
The lottery scam is conducted by a third party who contacts a victim by phone and convinces the victim that they have won a lottery. The party than tells the victim that, in order to claim their winnings, they must pay the taxes on the prize money. This tax amount is usually in the thousands of dollars. After the victim mails the check, the subject says that they should wait until a fictitious date, when the winnings will be awarded. The winnings are never sent.
If you have been contacted by someone who has told you that you have won a lottery, please contact your local police department immediately. Also, if you recognize that you have been contacted by the following phone numbers, please report this to your local police:
District Attorney Leone is committed to ensuring the safety and protection of elders and established the office's Elder Affairs Program to focus on the unique concerns facing the elder community. In the fall of 2008, District Attorney Gerry Leone created the LEAPS (Leaders in Elder Abuse Prevention) initiative in an effort to pull together agencies and health care providers responsible for the care of senior citizens. Members of the LEAPS program work together to identify seniors who may be the subject of abuse or who are living in at-risk situations and assure that they are offered the proper care and services to prevent negative situations from developing. The group also engages in trainings and information sessions to assure that all members are up-to-date on proper techniques and strategies to protect elders.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Recovery Act Grant Advisory
The application can be found on our website at
Comments can be made through e-mail at or by commenting on this blog or by calling 781-270-1917.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Captain Lectures on Police Response to Veterans

Captain George Devlin of the Burlington Police Department, a Vietnam veteran himself, has recently started to teach a class at the Reading Police Academy. The class is designed to inform police officers about the effects of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) on returning veterans and to explain how police officers can interact with these veterans in a safe, informative and positive way.
According to the "Report of the Special Commission to Study and Investigate the Hidden Wounds of War on the Massachusetts Service Members" many soldiers are coming back from Iraq and Afghanistan with a multitude of problems, which if left untreated can result in more serious problems down the road.
Many veterans are returning home with symptoms of PTSD. Left untreated, depression, suicide and alcohol or drug abuse can result. Many experts in the field also believe that untreated PTSD can be a gateway to a life of crime and unemployment.
PTSD is an anxiety disorder that can develop after exposure to a terrifying event or an arduous ordeal in which grave physical harm occurred or was threatened. It is a severe and ongoing emotional reaction to an extreme physical trauma. The stressors may involve someone’s actual death, a threat to the veteran's life or someone else’s life, serious physical injury, or a threat to physical and/or psychological integrity. These can affect one's normal psychological defenses and render them incapable of coping properly. Many returning combat veterans have been exposed to extreme circumstances involving death or serious injury to their fellow soldiers and they return home with mild to severe symptoms of PTSD.
Symptoms of PTSD include persistent re-experiencing of the traumatic event, avoidance of stimuli associated with the trauma, emotional numbing, and symptoms of increased arousal.
PTSD is not a new phenomenon. Written accounts of symptoms similar to those associated with PTSD date back to ancient times. It was not until the Civil War that medical literature surrounding the symptoms associated with PTSD began to develop. Since that time, PTSD has been observed in all veteran populations dating back to World War I.
During the class, officers view a 15-minute film on the symptoms of PTSD. They also receive written materials, including a list of resources where veterans can seek help for PTSD and/or suicidal thoughts. The intent is to better equip officers to recognize specific signs of PTSD and to assist these veterans in seeking help.
Captain Devlin stresses to the officers that they will often be the first to respond to the homes of these veterans who are experiencing problems. With the training that officers receive, they will be better able to identify the symptoms and signs of PTSD/suicide and then refer the veteran to the local Veterans Administration Hospital or Center.
During the class, officers are reminded that their brief interaction with these veterans could literally make the difference between life and death.
Any veterans or family members who would like help or more information on the subject of suicide and PTSD are encouraged to call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at their toll-free number: 1-800-273-TALK (8255).
Monday, February 9, 2009
Burlington Officers Attend FBI Seminar

Approximately 90 law enforcement executives throughout New England attended the seminar. A majority of the instructors are FBI agents assigned to the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia.
Training topics included Advances in Forensic Science, taught by the internationally known Dr. Henry Lee of the Connecticut State Crime Lab. Michelle McPhee and Bob Ward of Fox 25 News were the featured speakers for Media and the Law Enforcement Executive. Heather Bish, sister of murder victim Molly Bish, spoke to the group on new initiatives regarding missing and exploited children.
Other training topics included Identity Theft, Contemporary Computer Crime Investigation, Introduction to Muslim Culture, Leading by Example, Domestic Threats, Explosive Devices, and Use of Bio-Archaeology in Body Recovery and Missing Person Searches.
Over 600 Law Enforcement Executives have graduated from the previous NE LEEDS sessions.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Citizens' Police Academy Begins February 25
The Academy starts on February 25 and will run for ten weeks, meeting every Wednesday night at the police station from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM.
The Academy is a grant-sponsored program and is not funded from the regular operating budget.
Topics include:
Department Overview
Criminal Justice System
Use of Force and Tactical Weapons
Traffic Safety Education and Traffic Enforcement
Domestic/Family Violence
Use of K-9
Youth Services/D.A.R.E.
Activities outside the classroom include a tour of the Billerica House of Correction, a demonstration of a motor vehicle stop and a cruiser ride-along.
To register, contact Officer Jim Tigges at 781-505-4972 or Detective Anne Marie Browne at 781-505-4909.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Burlington Officers Serve During Inauguration

Sergeant Tim McDonough recounts his experiences with fellow officers Rich Hanafin, Charles Ferguson and Joe Papsedero during the Presidential Inauguration:
Officers Charles Ferguson, Rich Hanafin, Joe Papsedero and myself, had an exciting and informative experience during the NEMLEC REGIONAL RESPONSE TEAM (RRT) trip to Washington, D.C. for the 2009 Presidential Inauguration, from January 18 through the 21st, 2009.
Approximately 80 RRT officers left Manchester, NH Airport on Sunday morning , January 18th, and flew to Baltimore/Washington International Airport. We were then transported to the Hyatt Regency Baltimore, a hotel located on the Baltimore harbor. We shared our accommodations with federal agents and officers from the Alabama State Police, the Arizona State Police, and the Louisville, Kentucky Police Department.
On Monday, January 19th, we were transported to American University in Washington, D.C., for an orientation and briefing for all participating law enforcement officers. We were advised of our assignments and responsibilities for the inauguration ceremony, the parade route, and the formal balls to be held that evening. Involved in the presentations were the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police Department, the U.S. Secret Service, the U.S. Marshal's Office, and the Office of Homeland Security. A highlight of the training was when all officers were sworn in as U.S. Federal Marshals by United States Marshal, George B. Walsh. This allowed all officers to perform law enforcement duties and have arrest powers while in the District of Columbia.
On Tuesday, January 20th, which was the actual Inauguration Day, RRT officers had to be prepared and fully dressed at 02:30 AM in the hotel lobby. We were transported to Washington, D.C. and arrived at approximately 04:00 AM, where lines were already forming to enter the parade route. After the parade route and surrounding areas was scanned for explosives, we were at our posts by 06:30 AM. Our primary assignment location was at the intersection at Constitution Ave and 12th St., adjacent to the parade route. This area was closed to civilian traffic, and was the primary emergency escape route for the president and other officials. We checked vehicle/occupant credentials, crossed pedestrians, and assisted emergency vehicles through the area. All participants marching in the parade were escorted by us into the parade route. It was a challenging day, with the RRT being relieved of our posts at approximately 07:30 PM for the trip back to Baltimore.
On Wednesday, January 21st, we checked out of the hotel in the morning and boarded our flight at 4 PM from Baltimore/Washington International to Manchester Airport.
Officers Ferguson, Hanafin, and Papsedero displayed the utmost in professionalism throughout this assignment, as you would expect. They were always on-time, in proper uniform, neat, and courteous during what was sometimes difficult and trying duty. They not only brought credit to NEMLEC, but to the Burlington Police Department as well. I know I can speak for them when I express thanks for allowing us to be a part of this historical event.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Annual Announcement of Compliance Checks
The Burlington Police Department will continue to conduct alcohol compliance checks at all local, licensed establishments. These compliance checks will be conducted throughout the calendar year. The purpose of these compliance operations is to educate the licensees about the importance of complying with local and state laws and to remain vigilant in ensuring that no alcoholic beverages are sold to underaged persons.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Traffic Tip
Did you know that you can be cited for failing to remove snow and ice from the windows of your car? Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 90, Section 13 deals with any type of impeded operation and other potentially hazardous situations such as wearing headphones while driving.
Violations are civil and could result in a $35.00 fine for the first offense. A complete copy of this law can be viewed online at the Burlington Police website ( - here is the link:
Friday, January 2, 2009
Ten Ways to be Safer in 2009
The current issue of U.S. News & World Report sports a cover that touts their special report: 50 Ways to Improve Your Life in 2009. It's a great article and a good read for anyone interested in a healthier, happier, more prosperous 2009. So with gratitude to the magazine for suggesting the title of this piece, let's consider ten ways to be safer in 2009:
Use and Remove Your GPS – A GPS unit is a fabulous tool, both for convenience and safety. It can obviously guide you to your destination more efficiently. However, it can also add to your safety. For example, suppose you are heading from Boston to Springfield. The Mass Pike is experiencing a 10-mile backup near the Springfield exit and the flashing message signs are suggesting that you get off at an earlier exit to avoid the delay. You wisely take the detour, but you're not familiar with the back roads. Having the GPS in the car will allow you to recalculate the directions without guesswork and without having to stop somewhere to ask someone. Anytime you can avoid getting out of the car in a neighborhood whose margin of safety is unknown to you is a good thing. The downside to the safety a GPS unit offers is the attractiveness of the unit to thieves. They look for people who leave the GPS in full view on the dash or windshield, and then it's an easy target. Even when people remove the unit and the suction-cup holder, the telltale ring it leaves suggests to the thief that you have a unit and maybe you hid it in the glove box or under the seat. To avoid this, wipe the ring away with glass wipes or any other product designed to clean glass. As an alternative, consider using a mount that attaches to the car's air vents or one that fits inside the cup holders.
Get a Fire-Resistant Safe – We often think of safes as devices to protect items. However, how many times have you read about safes being carried away physically? Heck – even ATMs are carried away with the intention of being opened at some distant location. If you haven't seen an example of this, check out this video: and you'll be convinced that no safe is, well, safe! Anyway, the point of a fire-resistant safe is not to protect items from theft, but to prevent your important papers and other small items from being destroyed in a fire. You should also note that documents and data storage media requires safes of different ratings since data media tends to melt at lower temperatures.
Scan/Photograph/Videotape Documents and Possessions – As a tandem recommendation to the one above, consider documenting your possessions and preserving your documents in other ways. For example, if you experience a housebreak, do you think you will remember every valuable that might have been taken? Will you have serial numbers handy? Will those precious family photographs survive a house fire? The answers to these questions would be "no" for most of us. With digital cameras and scanners being ubiquitous, it's easy to record images of your valuables and to scan important documents such as wills, deeds, insurance policies and other important papers. You can then store these on disks in your fire-resistant safe! It also makes a lot of sense to store your backup document disks in another physical location such as in a safe-deposit box or at a relative's home. There are also many free and for-pay web sites that offer online storage.
Use Seatbelts – Do you know what it means when you hear a news story about someone being ejected from a car? If not, please visit: to see a demonstration. The way people get ejected from a car is by getting into a rollover accident, not wearing a seat belt and going through the window. The car continues to roll over them, causing serious injury or death. Did you know that Massachusetts averages three rollovers per day? A rollover can happen to anyone – even someone traveling the speed limit and minding all the traffic rules – because we can't control the behavior of others. The interior of the car is designed to contain you safely in the event of a crash. It's not foolproof – but belted people have walked away from cars that looked so bad that you'd assume no one would have survived. Every excuse people offer for not wearing a seatbelt is just that: an excuse. Resolve now to always wear a seatbelt, even for the shortest of trips. Do it for someone who loves you.
Get and Use a Shredder – Identity theft is real and can happen to anyone. According to the Javelin Strategy and Research 2007 Identity Fraud Survey Report, it happened to 8.4 million people in 2007. The numbers actually dropped from 2003, which might mean that people are being more diligent about safeguarding their personal information. We don't need to help crooks who dumpster-dive for information by providing them with personal papers that have dates of birth, social security numbers, account numbers or any other information that might be useful to the crook. Invest in a good cross-cut shredder rather than a strip-cut shredder, which provides an extra measure of security by turning the papers into confetti.
Monitor Credit Card Accounts and Get Your Free Credit Reports – Most people do not need to spend money for a credit monitoring service. You can do a good job of this yourself. Set up all your credit card accounts so that you can access them online – do this with your bank accounts as well. You can then log into your accounts as often as you want to keep track of activity and to investigate anything that doesn't seem to be right. Don't pay for credit reports either. You are entitled to one free credit report per year. Here is the really good news. There are three credit reporting companies: Equifax, TransUnion and Experian. If you time it right, you can get a free report every four months. Just request your free report from each company once per year, but at different times. For example, get the TransUnion report in January, the Equifax report in May and the Experian report in September. You'll be able to constantly review your reports and it won't cost a dime. You don't even have to log into the three different web sites. You can do this from one web site:
Avoid Flim-Flams – These have been happening forever, it seems, and no matter how many times they are reported on, people still fall victim to the plot. Let's review: Someone will call you claiming to be a friend of your UPS driver (or offer some other dubious connection to you) with the "dilemma" that his friend works for (fill-in-the-store) and they have an overstock of flat-panel televisions at a great price that they have to get rid of quickly - cash only, of course! You're told to meet the store representative in the parking lot. You show up at the appointed time and the "representative" has an official-looking sales receipt and maybe even an official name-tag or shirt bearing the store's name. He gives you a receipt, takes your money and tells you to meet him at the loading dock. He goes into the store, you go to the loading dock and your money goes away forever. PLEASE – there are no great deals like this!! No legitimate company conducts business like this over the phone or in a parking lot. Do not give a stranger several thousands of dollars and let him or her walk away. If you get a phone call like this, play along if you feel comfortable and then notify your police department at once. We have caught many of these people over the years through citizens being smart enough to recognize a scam and calling us early in the process. We almost never get your money back after the fact, so avoid seeking the "great deal" and call us if you are solicited.
Don't Tailgate – While not every accident is avoidable, one of the controls you have as a driver is to leave sufficient room between your car and the one in front of you. The traditional recommendation has been to keep a car length behind for every ten miles per hour of speed. That recommendation is a good start, but with driving habits generally getting worse and with more congestion, it makes a lot of sense to increase the distance beyond the recommended minimum. You won't get there any faster by tailgating – and maybe not at all if you're really unlucky. So back off a bit and enjoy the ride.
Get Your Child's Safety Seat Checked – Depending on the source, estimates of the percentage of incorrectly installed child safety seats range from 80% to nearly 100%. In our experience, the latter number is probably more accurate. Why is this so? Car seats are more complicated to install than expected. Weight variations for children, incompatibilities between car design and safety seat design, a misunderstanding of just how tight the seats need to be and the failure to strictly follow the installation directions all contribute to unsafe conditions. The best advice? Have the seats installed by certified technicians. These are police officers who are specially trained to install safety seats. They go through rigorous training and then install seats under the watchful eye of experienced installers before being certified. Many police departments offer periodic "checkpoints" where seats can be evaluated and reinstalled, if necessary. Some police departments also perform installations by appointment. The Burlington Police Department offers installations by appointment and these can be arranged by calling 781-270-1940.
Avoid Distracted Driving – According to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration and the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute, approximately 80 percent of all crashes and 65 percent of "near-crashes" occur within three seconds after a driver becomes distracted. The most obvious image is one of a person using a cell phone. While cell phones might be the leading cause of distraction, there are many others. Applying makeup, changing radio channels, reading and even shaving are some of the distractions that can be observed every day on the nation's roadways. In 2009, resolve that distractions will not be part of your daily driving routine. Turn off the phone when in the car. Pick a station on the radio and then leave it alone. Perform all necessary personal grooming before getting into the car. Just drive!
There are many other ways to be safer in 2009 that are not included on this list. However, address these ten and you will be off to a safe start.