BURLINGTON — Chief Michael Kent and the men and women of the Burlington Police Department condemn the actions of the Minneapolis Police officers which resulted in the death of George Floyd last week, and believe they should be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law.
“Police officers everywhere take an oath to protect each and every member of their community,” Chief Kent said. “The actions we saw unfold in Minneapolis last week are a stain on the profession of law enforcement.”
The Burlington Police Department believes in treating all people fairly and with dignity, whether they are calling for help, accused of a crime or just encountered in their day-to-day lives by police officers in the community. During an arrest or apprehension of a suspect, officers are trained only to use the amount of force necessary to ensure safety for the suspect, the officers and civilians in the area. Officers also undergo regular training on de-escalation techniques, diversity and inclusion, fair and impartial policing and procedural justice and police legitimacy.
“The mission statement of the Burlington Police Department clearly states that our officers will work with all citizens of the community to create a safe and secure environment with an emphasis on equality, fairness, integrity and professionalism,” Chief Kent said. “We stand with law enforcement officers in the state, across the nation and around the world who choose to uphold this same commitment to protect and serve all citizens equally and without prejudice.”